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Kuralink has developed an integration together with Vå

We are now making our technology available to healthcare providers to streamline the administrative processes relating to bookings and the handling of cases from private patients via Vå


Vå was founded in 2011 and is Sweden’s largest meeting place within registered care and health. Our vision since the outset has been that it should be easy for people to find and book care, and that care providers should spend less time on administration. Every month, 600,000 appointments are matched with 18,000 care providers on Vå We make your clinic visible to patients, and make it easy for them to book available appointments with you.

Adventages of bwing part of Vå

  • Increase the patient flow by becoming visible to patients.
  • New patients can book appointments immediately.
  • Reduced administration, more time for care.

“We are incredibly pleased with the collaboration with Kuralink, which makes it easier and quicker for more patients to find and book specialist care. Through the integration between Kuralink and Vå, we can help clinics to increase their customer flow without any administration. This collaboration is a good example of how, working together, we can develop the Swedish healthcare system.”

- Staffan Gustavsson, CEO, Vå

Kontakta Vå

Here, as a care provider, you can book a free review on Vå


Kuralink links care clients and care providers by being a booking and communication platform for claims management within private health and medical care. Ever since the start in 2005, the focus has been on streamlining administrative processes within healthcare activities in a number of stages, with the aid of digital technology. In addition to bookings, communication, document management, digital invoicing and the handling of referrals, the platform also offers a customer portal where the patient can follow up their own case.

Care providers and care clients, such as insurance companies, occupational health services and network partners, currently use Kuralink for bookings and for ordering healthcare related to health insurance. Through the integration with Vå, we make the same solution available for the clinics’ private bookings as well, which further reduces their current manual administration relating to private bookings.

“The collaboration with Vå combines two separate digital tools in a way that we hope will create added value for both care providers and patients.
The dialogue with Vå has been extremely positive from the outset, and we feel that the objective of making the clinics’ care offering available to patients and at the same time reducing the required administrative input has been achieved optimally through the solution we are now jointly offering.”

- Tor Friman CEO, CAB Healthcare AB.

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