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Kuralink is on its way to certification according to ISO27001

Since May 2020, our parent company CAB Group Ab is certified according to ISO27001 (Information Security). Protecting our and our customers' information is a top priority when developing our platform. The same work is ongoing with us and we will soon have our own certification!

The certification is an important seal of quality for us as an organization as well as for our customers. It is important that our customers feel confident about how we handle information, that it is done safely.

Working with standards as a base provides increased opportunities to maintain control and create trust for collaboration between different parties. Therefore, the ISO 27000 series is based on protecting information and since it is often digitized today, it also includes cybersecurity. In principle, all organizations also have information containing personal data and therefore the series has been expanded to include data protection (

Här kan du läsa mer om ISO-standarder och vad ISO27001 innebär External link.

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